This Sunday we shall be doing a large Flames of War scenario, from the epic battles around Kustrin and the crossing of the Oder in early January 1945, the gateway to Berlin. This scenario covers only a small part of the battle, 22ndto 29th March, below are the orders of battle. The table measures 18ft x 16ft and returns 18ft. Pictures to follow as the action begins, on Sunday 22nd March at 10.00am.

Kurstrin 1945. Flames of War
Kurstrin 1945.
Flames of War scenario.

Here we see the table scenery being set up, the white pieces of paper are various points of interest, names of towns, villages, hills, and rivers etc. The troops are on trays all organised for the players, ready for deployment. Each one containing orders of battle and various other details.

Old picture of the two bridges spanning the Oder.
Old picture of the two bridges spanning the Oder.
In the centre between the rivers is the old town and the new in the left foreground.
In the centre between the rivers is the old town and the new in the right foreground.
Here the Russians have a small bridgehead on the far bank right side.
Here the Russians have a small bridgehead on the far bank, by the pontoon bridge on the right side. The figures are all organised for the players, on the trays. Ready for deployment.
The Russians are in the new city in the foreground.
The Russians are in the new city in the foreground, and across the smaller river in the open woods.
Atmospheric Pictures.
Atmospheric Pictures.
Ruins of Kustrin town.
Ruins of Kustrin town.
The first Russian assault troops move through the new city towards the banks of the Oder. Ready to attack the old city, with it's 18th century fortifications. Bolstered by Volksturm.
The first Russian assault troops move through the new city towards the banks of the Oder. Ready to attack the old city, with it’s 18th century fortifications.
Bolstered by Volksturm.
The Russian Bridgehead over the Oder is enlarged.
The Russian Bridgehead over the Oder is enlarged.
The the left of Kustrin, the village of Bienenhof falls to the Russians, just a single German base remains.
The the left of Kustrin, the village of Bienenhof falls to the Russians, just a single German base remains. In the distance is Kustrin proper.

Map of Kustrin

  Organisation and special Rules.

Battle of Küstrin  9th-22nd March 1945

XI SS Panzer Korps (SS Obergruppenführer Matthias Kleinheisterkamp)

Festung Küstrin Division

Stabs (SS-Gruppenführer Heinz-Friedrich Reinefarth) HQ 1xHigher Cmd SMG [CT]

Kampfgruppe Hethey (Maj Emil Hethey)

HQ 1xCoy Cmd SMG [CT]

1x2iC SMG [CT]

3xPanzerSchrek [CT]

1xSniper [Koenig] [CT]

PaK Zug 1xCmd MarderII [Tank Hunter] [CT]

2xMarderII [Tank Hunter] [CT]

Festungs-Infanterie-Bataillone 1450 (Maj Emil Hethey)

VG Zug 1xCmd SMG [RT]

6xRifle/MG [RT]

1xPaK36 3.7cmG [RT]

MG Zug 1xCmd SMG [RT]

4xHMG [RT]

Bewährungsbataillone 500

Straf Zug 1xCmd Assault Rifle [FT]

6xAssault Rifle [FT]

1xPaK38 5cmG [FT]

Einsatz Abteilung”Nordkaukasisches”

Zug 1xCmd SMG [RT]

6xRifle/MG [RT]

2xHMG [RT]

1xFeldwebel Dietrich Uthoff [Warrior]

Volkssturm Abteilung “Kustrin”

Zug 1xCmd SMG[RC]

8xRifle [RC]

Festung IG Kompanie “Kustrin”

IG Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

2xleIG37 7.5cmIG [CT]

1xObserver [CT]

IG Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

2xleIG33 7.5cmIG [CT]

Festungs-Artillerie Regiment 3132

NblWfr  4x28cmNblWfr [Static Rocket Launcher] [CT]

GW Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

6xGW34 8cmM [CT]

3xObserver [CT]

PaK Zug  1xPaK38 5cmG Stützpunkt [CT]

Flak Zug 1xFlak38 2cmA Stützpunkt [CT]

LW Flak-Regiment 114

Flak Zug 1xFlak18 8.8cmA [RT]

Flak Zug 3xFlakvierling Flaknest [RT]


Turrets 3xPanther Turrets

Festungs-Pionier Abteilung “Kustrin”

Zug 4xPillbox/Bunker

Zug 4xBarricades

Zug 4xTank Traps

303 Infanterie Division “Döberitz”


Stabs (Oberst Hans-Wolfgang Scheuemann)
Grenadier-Regiment 302 (Maj Dr Bruno Wagler)


HQ 1xHigher Cmd SMG [CT]

Pio Zug 1xCmd Pi SMG [CT]

3xPi MG [CT]

Recce Zug 1xCmd SMG [Recce] [CT]

3xAssault Rifle [Recce] [CT]

4xM/C [Recce]

13 Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

4xGW43 12cmM [CT]

1xObserver [CT]

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

6xGW34 8cmM [CT]

2xObserver [CT]

14 Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

3xPak40 7.5cmG [CT]

I/302 Grenadier-Regiment (Maj Benno Weber)


HQ 1xCoy Cmd SMG [CT]

1x2iC SMG [CT]

1xPanzerSchrek [CT]


1st Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

3xRifle/MG [CT]

2nd Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

3xRifle/MG [CT]

3rd Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

3xAssault Rifle [CT]

4th schwere Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

4xHMG [CT]

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

2xleIG33 7.5cmIG [CT]

1xObserver [CT]

II/302 Grenadier-Regiment (Maj Herbert Pfeill)


HQ 1xCoy Cmd SMG [CT]

1x2iC SMG [CT]

1xPanzerSchrek [CT]


5th Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

3xRifle/MG [CT]

6th Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

3xRifle/MG [CT]

7th Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

3xAssault Rifle [CT]

8th schwere Kompanie

MG Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

4xHMG [CT]

IG Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

2xleIG33 7.5cmIG [CT]

1xObserver [CT]

Panzerjager-Abteilung “Döberitz”

Zug 1xCmd StuGIII [Tank Hunter] [CT]

2xStuGIII [Tank Hunter] [CT]

Zug 1xCmd StuGIII [Tank Hunter] [CT]

2xStuGIII [Tank Hunter] [CT]

Füsilier Battalion 303 (Maj Quetz)

Zug 1xCmd SMG [Recce] [Bicycle] [CT]

3xAssault Rifle [Recce] [Bicycle] [CT]

Artillerier-Regiment 309

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

4xleFH18 10.5cmH [CT]

1xObserver [CT]

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CT]

3xFlak38 2cmA [CT]

Pionieren-Abteilung 303

Zug 4xMinefield

Zug 4xWire

Zug 4xTrench Line

Panzer Division “Müncheberg”

Stabs-Kompanie (Generalmajor Walter Mummert)

HQ 1xHigher Cmd SMG [CV]

FlaK Zug 1xSdkfz10/4 + 2cmA [CV]

Panzer-Regiment “Müncheberg” (Oberst-Leutnant Kuno von Mayer)

Panzer-Abteilung “Kummersdorf” (Haupt Horst Zobel)

Stabs-Kompanie HQ 1xHigher Cmd PantherG [Ace] [CV]

FlaK Zug 3xFlakpanzerIV [CV]

Maint. Zug 1xBergepanther [CV]

1st Kompanie HQ 2xCoy Cmd PzIVH [CV]

Panzer Zug 4xPzIVH [CV]

Panzer Zug 4xPzIVH [CV]

Panzer Zug 1xPzJIV/L70 [CV]

2nd Kompanie HQ 2xCoy Cmd PantherG [CV] (Oberleutnant Rasim)

Panzer Zug 4xPantherG [CV]

Panzer Zug 4xPantherG [CV]

3rd Kompanie HQ 2xCoy Cmd TigerIE [Ace] [CV]

Panzer Zug 4xTigerIE [Ace] [CV]

Panzer Zug 4xTigerIIB [Ace] [CV]

Panzer Zug 1xJagdtiger [CV]

1st Panzer-Grenadier Regiment “Müncheberg” (Oberst Goder)


HQ 1xHigher Cmd SMG [CV]

FlaK Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

3x2cmA on Sdkfz10/4 [CV]

PJ Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

3xPaK40 7.5cmG [CV]

Recce Zug 1xCmd SMG [Recce] [CV]

3xMG [Recce] [CV]

7th Kompanie

IG Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

2xsIG33 15cmIG [CV]

1xObserver [CV]

8th Kompanie

Pio Zug 1xCmd Pi SMG [CV]

3xPi MG [CV]

I/1st Panzer-Grenadier Regiment (gp) “Müncheberg”


HQ 1xCoy Cmd SMG [CV]

1x2iC SMG [CV]

2xPanzerSchrek [CV]


1xSdkfz251/17 + 2cmA

GW Zug 1xSdkfz251

2xSdkfz251/2 + 8cmM


1st Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

6xMG [CV]

1xSdkfz251/17 + 2cmA


1xSdkfz251/9 +7.5cmG

2nd Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

6xMG [CV]

1xSdkfz251/17 + 2cmA


1xSdkfz251/9 + 7.5cmG

3rd Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

6xMG [CV]

1xSdkfz251/17 + 2cmA


1xSdkfz251/9 + 7.5cmG

II/1st Panzer-Grenadier Regiment (mot) “Müncheberg”


HQ 1xCoy Cmd SMG [CV]

1x2iC SMG [CV]

2xPanzerSchrek [CV]

GW Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

2xGW34 8cmM [CV]

1xObserver [CV]

4th Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

6xMG [CV]

1xHMG [CV]

5th Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

6xMG [CV]

1xHMG [CV]

6th Kompanie

Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

6xMG [CV]

1xHMG [CV]

Panzer-Artillerie Regiment “Müncheberg” (Oberst-Leutnant Martin Buhr)

I/Panzer-Artillerie Regiment “Müncheberg”

Artillerie Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

1xStaff team [CV]

6xleFH18 10.5cmH [CV]

2xPzIII Observer [CV]

NblWfr Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

6x15cm NblWfr [CV]

2xObserver [CV]

Heeres Flak Abteilung (mot) 301

FlaK Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

2xFlak36 + extra crew [CV]

Flak Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

3xFlaK38 2cmA [CV]

Flak Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

3xFlaK43 3.7cmA 1/schwere Panzerjager Abteilung (mot) 682

sPaK Zug 1xCmd SMG [CV]

2xPaK43/41 [CV] Panzer-Pionier Kompanie (mot) “Müncheberg”

Pio Zug 1xCmd Pi SMG [CV]

3xPi MG [CV]


2xSdkfz251/16 + Flamm

Panzer Spähwagen Kompanie “Müncheberg”

Recce Zug 1xCmd MG [Recce] [CV]

3xMG [Recce] [CV]


Recce Zug 1xCmd Sdkfz233 [Recce]

2xSdkfz234/1 [Recce]

Zug 2xSdkfz234/3 + 7.5cmG

Zug 2xSdkfz234/4 + PaK40

Panzer Nachrichten Kompanie “Müncheberg” Panzer Feldersatz Abteilung “Müncheberg” Panzer Versorgungstruppen “Müncheberg”

Luftwaffe: IV Fliegerkorps, Luftflotte 6

JG11 1xSporadic Fw190

1xSporadic Me109

1xFi56 Storch

1xHs123 [one-off]

1xJu87D [one-off]

1xJu87G [one-off]

1xHs129 [one-off]

1xMistrel [one-off] (Must be targeted at bridges; all Soviet anti-aircraft guns in range may shoot; bridge destroyed on a 4-6 [d6]; repaired 24 hours later)

Special Rules

Terrain: All terrain is SLOW GOING except for tracks and Roads

Hedges and tree lines do not break LINE-OF-SIGHT (no foliage) or allow CONCEALMENT as usual. However, they allow units which DIG-IN alongside to re-roll failed attempts. They also represent watercourses so any vehicle crossing must take a BOGGING CHECK. High water table means that units not adjacent to a hedgerow/tree line must re-roll success attempts to DIG-IN.

Observation: Germans have excellent observation from Seelow Heights: allow permanent Fiesler Storch AOP throughout daylight turns (though it can be shot down).

Gap: The “gap” between tables does not break LINE-OF-SIGHT and may be fired OVER (e.g. bombardments) but not THROUGH (i.e. direct fire). It can be crossed by units at pro rata speed (as SLOW GOING unless both exiting/arriving entirely by track or road)

Weather: Turn 1 is FOG VISIBILITY and Turn 9 each day is NIGHT VISIBILITY

Germans: All German infantry has PANZERFAUST.

Germans can, once in the Game, call for a Luftwaffe airstrike by each type of the 4 aircraft available (all in the same Turn, if desired).

One of the Higher Command teams can be “replaced” by Maj. Siegfried Moldenhauer [Warrior “Nuts”].

Germans use BRIDGE DEMOLITION [from Total War: bridges with an infantry team adjacent may be blown on a 6; if secured by an enemy team then the bridge may not be blown].

Soviet: One of the Company Command teams can be replaced by ? [Warrior “?”]

One of the Tank Brigades may have a Komissar (e.g. Brigada Komissar MA Dedov [Warrior]).

Soviets use RUSHED RESERVES [from Total War: destroyed Platoons go into Reserve; in a Starting Step – on a 5+ – they return to action; Reserves may come on 12” from a secured river crossing but not within 16” of an enemy team].

Game Length: Day One – 9 Turns (7am-4pm) plus 1 Reorg Turn

Day Two – 9 Turns (7am-4pm) plus 1 Reorg Turn

Day Three – 8 Turns (7am-3pm)

Russian Organisation

5th Shock Army (LtGen Berzarin)
32nd Rifle Corps [60th Guards, 295th and 416th Rifle Divisions] (LtGen DS Zherebin)
HQ 1xHigher Cmd SMG [CT]
1xKomissar [CT]
Rifle Regiment
1st Rifle Battalion (Col VP Sokolov)
HQ 1xCoy Cmd SMG [CT]
1xKomissar [CT]
2xHMG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
14xRifle/SMG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
14xRifle/SMG [CT]
2nd Rifle Battalion (Col AP Dorofeev)
HQ 1xCoy Cmd SMG [CT]
1xKomissar [CT]
2xHMG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
14xRifle/SMG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
14xRifle/SMG [CT]
3rd Rifle Battalion (Col DM Syzraiov)
HQ 1xCoy Cmd SMG [CT]
1xKomissar [CT]
2xHMG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
14xRifle/SMG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
14xRifle/SMG [CT]
SMG Company
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
7xSMG [CT]
SMG Company
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
7xSMG [CT]
MG Company
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
6xHMG [CT]
Mortar Company
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
9x82mmM [CT]
Anti-Tank Company
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
4x45mmG [CT]
Artillery Battery
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
4×76.2mmIG [CT]
Recce Company
Coy 1xCmd SMG [Recce] [FT]
3xSMG [Recce] [FT]
Transport 7xTruck
Divisional Support
20th Light Artillery Brigade
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
8×76.2mmG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
4x122mH [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
6x120mmM [CT]
61st Sapper Battalion
HQ 1xCoy Cmd Pi SMG [CT]
1xKomissar [CT]
Coy 1xCmd Pi SMG [CT]
7xPi Rifle/MG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd Pi SMG [CT]
7xPi Rifle/MG [CT]
Anti-Aircraft Coy
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
2x37mmA [CT]
Corps Support
694th Light SPG Regiment
Coy 1xCmd T70 [CT]
4xSU76 [CT]
89th Heavy Tank Regiment
Coy 1xCmd JSII [FT]
220th Tank Brigade (Col Pachkov)
HQ 1xCoy Cmd T34/85 [CT]
1xQuad AA Flak [CT]
Recce 1xCmd BA64 [Recce] [CT]
2xBA64 [Recce] [CT]
Coy 1xCmd T34/85 [CT]
6xT34/85 [CT]
Coy 1xCmd T34/85 [CT]
6xT34/85 [CT]
Coy 1xCmd T34/85 [CT]
6xT34/85 [CT]
2nd Guards Mortar Regiment
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
6xBM32 Katyusha [CT]
8th Guards Army (Gen Chuikov)
4th Guards Rifle Corps [35th Guards, 47th Guards and 57th Guards Rifle
Divisions] (MajGen Glazunov)
HQ 1xHigher Cmd SMG [CT]
1xKomissar [CT]
Rifle Regiment
1st Rifle Battalion (Col II Smolin)
HQ 1xCoy Cmd SMG [CT]
1xKomissar [CT]
2xHMG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
14xRifle/SMG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
14xRifle/SMG [CT]
2nd Rifle Battalion (Col VM Shugaev)
HQ 1xCoy Cmd SMG [CT]
1xKomissar [CT]
2xHMG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
14xRifle/SMG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
14xRifle/SMG [CT]
3rd Rifle Battalion (Col PI Zalizyuk)
HQ 1xCoy Cmd SMG [CT]
1xKomissar [CT]
2xHMG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
14xRifle/SMG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
14xRifle/SMG [CT]
SMG Company
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
7xSMG [CT]
SMG Company
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
7xSMG [CT]
MG Company
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
6xHMG [CT]
Mortar Company
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
9x82mmM [CT]
Anti-Tank Company
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
4x45mmG [CT]
Artillery Battery
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
4×76.2mmIG [CT]
Recce Company
Coy 1xCmd SMG [Recce] [FT]
3xSMG [Recce] [FT]
Transport 7xTruck
Divisional Support
1071st Light Artillery Brigade
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
8×76.2mmG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
4x122mH [CT]
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
6x120mmM [CT]
926th Guards Sapper Battalion
HQ 1xCoy Cmd Pi SMG [CT]
1xKomissar [CT]
Coy 1xCmd Pi SMG [CT]
7xPi Rifle/MG [CT]
Coy 1xCmd Pi SMG [CT]
7xPi Rifle/MG [CT]
1388th Anti-Aircraft Coy
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
2x37mmA [CT]
Corps Support
1087th Light SPG Regiment
Coy 1xCmd T70 [CT]
4xSU76 [CT]
34th Heavy Tank Regiment
Coy 1xCmd JSII [FT]
20th Tank Brigade (Col NP Konstantinov)
HQ 1xCoy Cmd T34/85 [CT]
1xQuad AA Flak [CT]
Recce 1xCmd BA64 [Recce] [CT]
2xBA64 [Recce] [CT]
Coy 1xCmd T34/85 [CT]
6xT34/85 [CT]
Coy 1xCmd T34/85 [CT]
6xT34/85 [CT]
Coy 1xCmd T34/85 [CT]
6xT34/85 [CT]
115th Guards Mortar Regiment
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
6xBM32 Katyusha [CT]
Army Support
1493rd Medium SPG Regiment
Coy 1xCmd SU85 [CT]
3xSU100 [CT]
396th Guards Heavy SPG Regiment
Coy 1xCmd JSU152 [FT]
4xJSU152 [FT]
259th Tank Regiment
Coy 1xCmd T34/76 [CT]
9xT34/76 [CT]
50th Guards Heavy Tank Regiment
Coy 1xCmd JSII [FT]
80th Howitzer Regiment
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
4x152mmH [CT]
Anti-Aircraft Battalion
Coy 1xCmd SMG [CT]
2x85mmA [CT]
Bridge Battalion
Coy 1xPontoon Bridge
16th Air Army
6th Air Assault Corps
Regt 1xPriority IL-2M3
9th Air Assault Corps
Regt 1xPriority IL-2M3
Special Rules
Terrain: All terrain is SLOW GOING except for tracks and Roads
Hedges and tree lines do not break LINE-OF-SIGHT (no foliage) or
allow CONCEALMENT as usual. However, they allow units which DIGIN
alongside to re-roll failed attempts. They also represent
watercourses so any vehicle crossing must take a BOGGING CHECK.
High water table means that units not adjacent to a hedgerow/tree
line must re-roll success attempts to DIG-IN.
Observation:Germans have excellent observation from Seelow Heights: allow
permanent Fiesler Storch AOP throughout daylight turns (though it
can be shot down).
Gap: The “gap” between tables does not break LINE-OF-SIGHT and may
be fired OVER (e.g. bombardments) but not THROUGH (i.e. direct
fire). It can be crossed by units at pro rata speed (as SLOW GOING
unless both exiting/arriving entirely by track or road)
Weather: Turn 1 is FOG VISIBILITY and Turn 9 each day is NIGHT VISIBILITY
Germans: All German infantry has PANZERFAUST.
Germans can, once in the Game, call for a Luftwaffe airstrike by
each type of the 4 aircraft available (all in the same Turn, if desired).
One of the Higher Command teams can be “replaced” by Maj.
Siegfried Moldenhauer [Warrior “Nuts”]
Germans use BRIDGE DEMOLITION [from Total War: bridges with an
infantry team adjacent may be blown on a 6; if secured by an
enemy team then the bridge may not be blown]
Soviet: One of the Company Command teams can be replaced by Leytenant
Ivan Zabolotny [Warrior “Red Bear”]
One of the Tank Brigades may have a Komissar (e.g. Brigada
Komissar MA Dedov [Warrior “Red Bear”])
Soviets use RUSHED RESERVES [from Total War: destroyed Platoons
go into Reserve; in a Starting Step – on a 5+ – they return to action;
Reserves may come on 12” from a secured river crossing but not
within 16” of an enemy team]
Game Length: Day One – 9 Turns (7am-8:30pm) plus 1 Reorg Turn
Day Two – 9 Turns (7am-8:30pm) plus 1 Reorg Turn
Day Three – 8 Turns (7am-7pm)