All is clear except for materials, Mark helped take down all the heavy industrial trunking, that made it look much more spacious. Paul has put in the toilet and has started on the central heating pipes, Rob generously donated Bacon Sandwiches, and swept down all the walls, and floor de-nailing as he went etc.
Marked out, and put down all the floor plates ready for fixing. This shows in detail the layout positions of the first of the tables. A 12′ x 6′ and a 12′ x 4′ next is a 18′ x 6′ and a 16′ x 6′ and finally a 6′ x 4′. Hoping this will be enough, although the 6′ tables can be linked with inserts to give a 34′ table as well as a large U shape 16′ 16′ 18′ and square O adding the final side 16′, stand in the middle. And a large P shape. More details tomorrow.